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Workforce Solutions

GenCare Solutions develops and manages numerous workforce solutions for our clients.


Below are some of the areas we specialize in:

Employment Law Related Challenges

Employment law is a specialized field that requires extensive knowledge and expertise.  Local, state, and federal laws differ, so you need someone versed in the requirements that affect your business.  GenCare Solutions can connect you to the right employment law resources you need to address specific challenges facing your business.

Specialized Testing

We work with you to identify, develop and implement specialized testing for potential job candidates and existing employees. The GenCare Solutions team has extensive experience in this area and we can design a specialized testing plan to help your organization meet its goals

Rapid Response/Change Management

Employment law is a specialized field that requires extensive knowledge and expertise.  Local, state and federal laws differ, so you need someone versed in the requirements that affect your business.  GenCare Solutions can connect you to the right employment law resources you need to address specific challenges facing your business.

Recruitment, Integration, and Retention of Military Professionals

Military personnel (veterans, retired, and reservists) are often highly sought after commodities in workplaces, especially those which require discipline and attention to detail.  While military and ex-military personnel have much to offer, integration into the civilian workforce can sometimes be difficult. GenCare Solutions helps you recruit qualified military and ex-military personnel for positions within your company.  We will then work with you to help them integrate into your workplace, with the goal of being retained as long term employees.

Contact GenCare Solutions to learn more about how our workforce solutions can help take your business to the next level.

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